From  257€

1 night’s stay + breakfast + dinner + unlimited spa + 30 minute spa treatment

Combine a gourmet experience and well-being during your next stay in Normandy

Give into temptation with our exclusive offer "Wellness & Delights", which includes :

  • A night’s stay in a calm, romantic duplex room
  • UNLIMITED access to the pool, hammam, and sauna
  • One 30-minute per person "Zen Discovery" relaxing massage
  • Dinner at Ö RESTO for 2 (does not include drinks)
  • Breakfast served in your room

Conditions : offer cannot be cancelled; no refund; 100% prepayable.

The restaurant is closed on Sundays and Mondays. Sunday or Monday booking be modified as follows: 1 hour spa treatment option instead of 30 minutes; no dinner included.

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